The best WordPress sites hosting for 2018

[su_dropcap style=”light”]W[/su_dropcap]ordPress is a wonderful tool. The ecosystem is of immense variety, both in terms of plugins and in terms of themes. And that’s not all !
WordPress hosting is just as buoyant. To allow you to see more clearly, this page offers you a ranking of the best WordPress hosts.

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The best WordPress hosting sites for 2018

The best WordPress hosting sites for 2018
[su_tabs][su_tab title=”110% WordPress Host” disabled=”no” anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””][su_table]

[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Name of one of the seven WordPress host selected as part of the selection of the best WordPress accommodations.”]Nom[/su_tooltip]GreenGeeks
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
WP Engine
WordPress Hosting
Media Temple
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Fee schedules can sometimes be quite long, and different between two providers. The best is to click on the host that you like the most.”]Price[/su_tooltip][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”A rating between 1 and 5 stars to know the level and quality of a particular WordPress web host.”]Rate[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Does the host in question offer advanced support for WordPress?”]WordPress Support[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Does the host offer SSL certificates with his offer?”]SSL Included[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Does the host offer a CDN service with his offer?”]CDN Included[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Having a large amount of storage space or even unlimited space, this is what offers some of the selected hosts.”]Unlimited storage[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Depending on the frequency of your WordPress site, as well as the type of data available, having more or less allocated bandwidth is a point to take into account.”]Unlimited Bandwidth[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Will your future WordPress webhost allow you to administer a Linux server?”]HTTP server[/su_tooltip]








[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Is technical support for your WordPress hosting always reachable by phone or email? “]24/7 support[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Want to know more about a particular WordPress hosting? We have prepared a review page by WordPress host.”]Review of the host[/su_tooltip]Read the review on GreenGeeksRead the review on DreamHostRead the review on BlueHostRead the review on FlyWheelRead the review on WPEngineRead the review on Media TempleRead the review on SiteGround

[su_tab title=”Generalist host with WordPress option” disabled=”no” anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””]

[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Name of one of the seven WordPress accommodations selected as part of the selection of the best WordPress host.”]Nom[/su_tooltip]GreenGeeks
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Fee schedules can sometimes be quite long, and different between two providers. Mine is to click on the host that you like the most.”]Price[/su_tooltip][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button][su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult [/su_button]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”A rating between 1 and 5 stars to know the level and quality of a particular WordPress web host.”]Rating[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Does the host in question offer advanced support for WordPress?”]WordPress Support[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Does the host offer SSL certificates with his offer?”]SSL Included[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Does the host offer the services of a CDN with his offer?”]CDN Included[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Have a large amount of storage space, see unlimited space, this is what offers some of the selected hosts.”]Unlimited storage[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Depending on the frequency of your WordPress site, as well as the type of data available, having more or less allocated bandwidth is a point to take into account.”]Unlimited Bandwidth[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Will your future WordPress webhost allow you to administer a Linux server?”]HTTP server[/su_tooltip]








[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Is technical support for your WordPress hosting always reachable by phone or email? “]24/7 support[/su_tooltip]
[su_tooltip style=”light” size=”5″ shadow=”yes” content=”Want to know more about a particular WordPress hosting? We have prepared a review page by WordPress host.”]Review of the host[/su_tooltip]Read the review on GreenGeeksRead the review on hostGatorRead the review on 1&1Read the review on A2 HostingRead the review on GoDaddyRead the review on inmotionRead the review on Arvixe

[su_row][su_column size=”4/5″][/su_column][su_column size=”1/5″][su_spacer size=”20″]This test is obtained by cross-checking different independent WordPress hosting tests but we earn a rebate on every purchase.

Give your opinion !

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How to have a WordPress hosting?

WordPress is without a doubt the most used CMS in the world. A CMS being a Content Management System or in good French, a CMS for Content Management System; that’s what it says. If originally WordPress was for those wanting to set up a blog, this time is over. It is possible to design complex sites with WordPress. This is made possible initially by the extreme flexibility of WordPress and in a second time by the incredible library of WordPress themes and WordPress plugins it has.

WordPress is no less than 25% of the world’s web, or tens of millions of websites using it. Needless to say, in the list we find very big players from the digital world. But we must also recognize that WordPress motorizes a lot of small websites; which is a great thing. And it’s not over, with the arrival of WooCommerce, a huge number of eCommerce sites are using WordPress. Thus, if the idea of designing a website attracts you, you know that with WordPress all types of website are possible. But what is certain is that we will have to ask the right question right away: What is the best hosting for my WordPress site?.

All WordPress website hosting solutions that we propose to you in this ranking of the best accommodation of WordPress sites offers services dedicated to WordPress. Whether in the form of particular server optimizations or a WordPress environment fully managed by the web host. Both solutions offer a higher level of integration of WordPress than could be found in other more general web site hosts. In both solutions offered by these WordPress hosts, you will find WordPress preinstalled at the opening of your web space. So, you do not have to worry about installing WordPress from its download to its configuration. It’s always won, especially that it should be done on another type of web hosting …

Depending on the web host you choose, you will have the pleasure of enjoying a lot of small plus very significant. We can for example quote:

  • Backups of your WordPress site in automatic mode,
  • The installation of high-performance caching system,
  • The implementation of anti-spam system,
  • Using a CDN,
  • Automatic update of WordPress, your theme and your plugins.

It’s amazing, is not it? With the right web host, you will not have to worry about very important things like the backup of your WordPress site, or even all the updates to be made regularly in WordPress.

To achieve all this, one must always keep in mind that a small part of your freedom to install and install plugins can be slightly decreased. Indeed, if your hosting provider WordPress already has a caching system plugin for example, it’s a safe bet that it does not let you install another. Which is a great thing, because only the plugin that will have retained will benefit from all the server optimizations set up by your host. A bad for a good 😉
Thus, this list can come to restrict the list of the plugins which you will be able or not to use. Always take a moment to make sure that your favorite plugin will be well supported by your future host.

Hosting your WordPress site by a specialized hosting company is the certainty of dealing with a customer support that will know WordPress fingertips, its operation, its needs and known malfunctions. What save a very precious time in case of failure. Try the adventure with a more general host, and you may be surprised by the answers of the support … When we do not know WordPress, necessarily …

The major difference between an optimized or an integrated WordPress website hosting will be in what you will be offered in addition as the opportunity to put everything a sandboxed site, do non-impacting plugin tests, go back over its entire installation with one click or benefit from advanced security features such as automatic hacking or intrusion detection or URL filtering for avoid some types of very frequent attacks under WordPress.

Anyway, the difference between an integrated or specialized WordPress web host is not always easy to do; especially when you start hosting your WordPress site. The easiest thing is to always contact the host before making your choice. It will allow you both to see more clearly what it really offers for WordPress, and it will allow you to test its customer service;)

WordPress Hosting: Prices and Features

Looking for the price to host your WordPress site by a specialist of the question? Indeed, the prices are not indicated in the table, and it invites you to go see them for yourselves. Why ? Because the price for a WordPress hosting covers almost the whole field of the possible so much the prices stretch between the cheapest solution and the one which is the most expensive. Indeed, the starting price is very close to what we can find as price in the world of shared hosting but the price can climb to more than 50 € per month. The reason for this price difference more than significant? There is no secret, the more your accommodation will cost you, the more it will perform. This is explained by both the hardware components used, but also the level of customization offered on your WordPress hosting. The more automated hosting is, the more this automation took time for your host. And time is money. Speaking of time, you will also save a lot with high-end solutions. It’s up to you to see if your time is worth this money.

For medium-sized companies, I would tend to say that the question does not even arise. The level of service offered by this type of WordPress website hosting would require the hiring of a person. Suffice to say that 50 € per month does not represent all of a sudden nothing at all;)

A point on which we draw your attention. If you are embarking on the web hosting adventure for the first time, beware of the size your web host will allocate for you in terms of bandwidth. Although the limitations that can set up some hosts so much to limit the establishment of a download server that create a real limitation perceptible by the common mortal, however, it is necessary take into account in some cases. The case where you would set up a site which you know in advance that it will have a strong traffic, see very strong. If you exceed the limit imposed, either you have a reduced flow, or you have a possible billing at the end of the month. If you think you are in the exceptional case of high bandwidth usage, opt for an unlimited solution. More expensive on paper, these accommodation solutions will prove both more profitable and more tailored to your final need.

Now let’s talk about SSL / TLS. If a few years ago, having a green padlock on its WordPress site was far from essential, it is quite different today. So, you will be looking to have an SSL / TLS certificate attached to your WordPress hosting. This certificate is essential, it will allow to encrypt the communication between the user and your WordPress site. This will also allow you to also secure a little more the administration interface, your passwords no longer in clear on the network networks. Two things that today all WordPress site must be accessible only through SSL are:

  • Google will not swear by sites accessible in https, and nothing else.
  • Let’s Encrypt has rebuffed all cards in the world of SSL // TLS certificates. It is now possible to have a green padlock on its WordPress site without having to spend hundreds of euros.

The fact that Let’s Encrypt exists does not mean that old certificate systems are to be thrown in the trash. Certificates with several tens of euros can offer services that let’s encrypt can not offer. Up to you.

Finally, I will finish this part tips between friends to talk about the PHP version available. Did you know that one could rate up to 100% more performance for the same WordPress site just depending on the version of PHP, whether it’s PHP5.4 or PHP 7. Take a second to be certain that his WordPress site will be hosted on a server running PHP7 is always better.

A WordPress site always accessible

Ok, we have just seen what is needed for your WordPress site to be well hosted. But all this will be lived if your host often encounters unavailability. We’re talking about uptime, or uptime jargon. This value is often ignored when looking for a powerful WordPress hosting. Each of the WordPress hosts listed in this list are known to have quality services on equally qualitative equipment.

Of course, even the best hosting provider in the world is not without a probability of failure. So, I prefer to host my sites at different WordPress web hosts when possible, but at specialists!

When choosing the hosting for your WordPress site, check what is highlighted, in terms of uptime, and the strategies put in place to achieve it. Ask the PRA question to your future host. What is the PRA? This is the Business Resumption Plan; like a comet just falling on the datacenter, is your site still accessible? And if not, how long will it come back online and how?

Do we need specialized hosting under WordPress?

At the risk of pushing an open door, if you are building a website powered by WordPress, there is no reason to do without a hosting entirely turned to WordPress. This accommodation will certainly be a little more expensive, but it will allow you to focus on the only real thing that matters on your website, your content. No need to worry about installation, choice of plugins, backups or general performance of your site. Believe me, it’s worth the extra few euros every month. It’s a real economy. If, economics, I’m not mistaken.

Be careful, I’m going to drive a second door open. But like the things that go without saying, are always better saying so … A WordPress web host will often limit you to installing and using WordPress. Some will allow you to use any CMS you want, but for the most specialized of them, forget to use anything other than WordPress. We must keep this in mind, especially if we work on other solutions next door. If this is the case, then it will be much better to turn to VPS or dedicated server solutions. The concern is then that you will have to put your hands in it.

Little trick to save a few euros. Sometimes we are looking for a short period of accommodation; let’s say less than two months. If this is the case, take advantage of refund offers that some WordPress hosts offer. Why ? Already because you can get reimbursed and used their services. It’s always nice. But the real benefit and to be able to compare! He is never better judge than himself. Some hosts offer up to 90 days to get a refund … I say that, I say nothing;)

This ranking of the best hosts of WordPress site allows you to make a very fast turn and to discover the hosts who specialized in WordPress. This ranking of the best WordPress accommodation also allowed you to glimpse the most important features to have to properly host its WordPress site. Want to continue reading further? So the following should please you: A highlight of classic hosts offering WordPress, and specialized hosting WordPress. This will allow us to deepen the list of features offered by each.

WordPress hosting website review

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DreamHost : The complete review

In summary: Dreamhost offers an impressive amount of features that should satisfy the most demanding and expert, not to mention the beginners through a well thought interface. Read more >

[su_column size=”1/6″]

DreamHost, your WordPress host
from $16

[su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult the offer [/su_button] [/su_column]
[su_divider text=”^ Comparative Table WordPress Hosting” style=”dotted” size=”2″ margin=”10″]
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[su_column size=”2/3″]

HostGator : The complete review

In summary: HostGator is undoubtedly the web host that will appeal most to beginners, whether through its simple administration interface, as its very competitive prices, for individuals or SMEs. Read more >

[su_column size=”1/6″]

HostGator, your WordPress host
from $4

[su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult the offer [/su_button] [/su_column]
[su_divider text=”^ Comparative Table WordPress Hosting” style=”dotted” size=”2″ margin=”10″]
[su_column size=”1/6″][/su_column]
[su_column size=”2/3″]

1&1 : The complete review

In summary: 1 & 1 is a web hosting service provider that offers simple and powerful tools in terms of website creation with a very high uptime rate. Read more >

[su_column size=”1/6″]

1&1, your WordPress host
from $1

[su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult the offer [/su_button] [/su_column]
[su_divider text=”^ Comparative Table WordPress Hosting” style=”dotted” size=”2″ margin=”10″]
[su_column size=”1/6″][/su_column]
[su_column size=”2/3″]

A2 Hosting : The complete review

In summary: A2 Hosting is a WordPress website hosting solution that focuses on a very advanced service offer. A host who pushes WordPress hosting very far. Not to miss. Read more >

[su_column size=”1/6″]

A2 Hosting, your WordPress host
from $8

[su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult the offer [/su_button] [/su_column]
[su_divider text=”^ Comparative Table WordPress Hosting” style=”dotted” size=”2″ margin=”10″]
[su_column size=”1/6″][/su_column]
[su_column size=”2/3″]

GoDaddy : The complete review

In summary: GoDaddy is a large web host, which also offers a packaged service for WordPress. What you can do to install and manage simply WordPress. Read more >

[su_column size=”1/6″]

GoDaddy, your WordPress host
from $4

[su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult the offer [/su_button] [/su_column]
[su_divider text=”^ Comparative Table WordPress Hosting” style=”dotted” size=”2″ margin=”10″]
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inMotion : The complete review

In summary: InMotion is a hosting provider of small sized WordPress sites. Its prices are very attractive and its WordPress solution is worth the detour. Some youth failures are worth noting. Read more >

[su_column size=”1/6″]

inMotion, your WordPress host
from $8

[su_button background=”#FF2F3B” size=”6″ url=”” target=”blank”] Consult the offer [/su_button] [/su_column]
[su_divider text=”^ Comparative Table WordPress Hosting” style=”dotted” size=”2″ margin=”10″]
[su_column size=”1/6″][/su_column]
[su_column size=”2/3″]

SiteGround : The complete review

In summary: SiteGround is a WordPress web host that offers a level of service around CMS that is impressive. This web host is rather reserved for users with experience. Read more >

[su_column size=”1/6″]

SiteGround, your WordPress host
from $10

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