You connect to your WordPress site and there, a blank page. But what to do ? This is an agonizing situation when it is the first time we face it. It is also often at that moment that one wonders if one has done well his backups … But do not panic, we will see how to solve this temporary concern. If that reassures you, it’s so common that it even has a small name in the wink mode to microsoft because its little name is white screen of death.As you can tell right away, it can come from a lot of things. However, in 99.99% of cases the WordPress blank page is caused by a plugin or theme that is malfunctioning. Well that being said we still do not learn how to solve this problem. This can still come from many things. Let’s look at the question step by step.
Change the version of PHP
Some old plugins may not work with the latest versions of PHP. The opposite is also true, recent plugins may not work with older versions of PHP.If it is the plugin that does not support for example PHP7, the only solution is to do without this plugin. The contributions of PHP7 are too massive to miss.
If your version of PHP is too outdated, go to the admin interface of your WordPress hosting to pass your site in PHP 7 for example.
Change PHP variables
This may be because your site needs more RAM to get started. Although this is far from being offered with all accommodations, changing some PHP-specific variables can save your life. Know that in our comparative WordPress hosting there are this type of hosts;)
Increase the value of memory_limit, it should do great for your WordPress site.
Disable plugins
The blank page still appears on your WordPress site? Let’s get the atomic weapon to find the origin of the worry. As this can both be a problem on plugins or themes, let’s start with the plugins.
Log in as FTP on your site, to the / wp-content / directory. In this directory, rename the plugins directory to old_plugins for example. By doing this, you will disconnect ALL plugins from your site. Do not be surprised. Going back is simple, just rename the directory as it was originally.
Back on your site. If you do not see a blank page but rather a redacted version of everything the plugins did, then you just figured out where the problem was. To really know what is the plugin that causes this concern, no secret. We rename the directory as before, and this time, we rename one by one the directory of the plugins themselves. Your site will start working once you turn off the good plugin. Once you know which plugin is causing you all these problems, either try to understand or replace it with an equivalent.
Disable it theme
Do you still have a blank page? Slim ! We still have one last cartridge to solve this problem easily, take care of your theme. Of course, this is only valid for those who do not use the default WordPress theme.
Si vous souhaitez basculer sur le thème par défaut, connectez-vous à votre PHPMyAdmin. Recherchez la table wp-options et passez la valeur de template et stylesheet à twentyseventeen.
Testez à nouveau votre site WordPress, et cela devrait enfin fonctionner !
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