How to transfer your WordPress site?

Transferring a WordPress site is not complicated, just follow the steps.

When are we faced with this type of question? For example, when you change accommodation to finally choose a realWordPress hosting 😉

Recover old data

Who says site to transfer, says old hosting and new hosting. On your old hosting, you must have all your data. In WordPress, your site breaks down in two. On the one hand files containing themes, plugins, WordPress core and sometimes some information specific to your hosting (in the file wp-config.php in particular). On the other, your database hosts all of your settings as well as what makes your site rich, your articles and pages.

You will understand, you have to recover both. To recover the files, this should sound familiar. Log into FTP on your hosting and get everything in the root (assuming your installation is done at the root and not in a directory).

For the database, it’s just as simple, just less familiar. Log in to your PHPMyAdmin interface on the export tab. Export your entire database to a text file. That’s it !

Send old data

We take the same and start again. We connect in FTP but this time to send and this on the new hosting of course. The database, this is happening on PHPMyAdmin side, but import tab 🙂

Edit wp-config.php

Except in exceptional cases, when creating the database at your new host, you had information on the name of the database, its user name, the password and the address to attach it. It is now necessary to postpone this information in the wp-config.php that you sent on your new hosting.

Just edit the file and change these values:

DB_NAME : Put the name of the database
Ex. define( ‘DB_NAME’ , ‘monsitesql’ );

DB_USER : Put the user name
Ex. define( ‘DB_USER’ , ‘usersql’ );

DB_PASSWORD : The password of the database
Ex. define( ‘DB_PASSWORD’ , ‘2V96qqb9bVxCk3aJX54L’ );

DB_HOST : The host on which is reachable MySQL.
Ex. define( ‘DB_HOST’ , ‘locahost’ );

Change DNS

Technically, your WordPress site is transferred. Rest the world to go now on your new accommodation. To do so, go to the management interface of your DNS. You will have a type A field containing the IP address of the old server. Update this value with the IP address of your new host.

Find all our tips in our FAQ WordPress hosting.

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