WordPress Hosting, WooCommerce & CDN

[su_quote cite=”A WordPress user like another ;)”]My WordPress site deserves a good hosting to secure my work and make it quick.[/su_quote]


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Comparative WordPress hosting

Are you looking for WordPress hosting and lost? Discover immediately our comparison of the best accommodations specially conceived and optimized for WordPress.

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WooCommerce Host

An eCommerce site must always be accessible and secure. That’s why we propose to you to discover the list of the best specialized hosts WooCommerce, dedicated to your needs.

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What CDN for WordPress?

To make your WordPress site always faster and more secure, using CDN is essential. Let’s see what CDN WordPress it takes your site to go at the speed of light.

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WordPress Hosting in the News

Three WordPress hostings stand out from the competition, we present them below. What are these accommodations more than others? A lot of things like an automated installation of WordPress, crazy performance, increased security, the advice of professionals dedicated to WordPress 24/7 but also access to tools like WP-CLI or GIT. You have chosen WordPress as a specialized tool for your site, why not choose an host that gets the best from having been designed for WordPress?


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Green WordPress Hostings

GreenGeeks is certainly the only host of its kind. In addition to providing an ideal environment for WordPress, it offers to have a website without negative impact on the environment. This is made possible because GreenGeeks also produces its energy. A WordPress host not to be missed.

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[su_button url=”https://wp-theme-plugin.com/out-green-geeks-wordpress” background=”#ffffff” color=”#40B34B” size=”7″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: wordpress” icon_color=”#40B34B” target=”blank”]Discover GreenGeeks[/su_button]



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Premium WordPress Hosting

In addition to believing in WordPress for years, WP Engine believes that your site deserves the best. To keep the speed of your site always at the top, WP Engine deploys all of its knowledge in a highly scalable architecture and on a constant and intelligent intelligent security.

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[su_button url=”https://wp-theme-plugin.com/out-wp-engine” background=”#ffffff” color=”#44BFC6″ size=”7″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: wordpress” icon_color=”#44BFC6″ target=”blank”]Discover WP Engine[/su_button]



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Beginner WordPress Hosting

Simple, secure and, of course, super fast WordPress hosting is all you need. That’s good, that’s exactly what bluehost offers. It’s not for nothing that bluehost is the only WordPress web host recommended by WordPress.org since 2005.

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[su_button url=”https://www.bluehost.com/track/agencew/” background=”#ffffff” color=”#4474B6″ size=”7″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: wordpress” icon_color=”#4474B6″ target=”blank”]Discover bluehost[/su_button]


Looking for more WordPress hostings? Then discover our WordPress host list.
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Frequently Asked Questions WordPress Website Hosting

When one embarks on the adventure of the web, it is hard to imagine the number of skills it takes to own a website to match its ambitions. Hosting-wp.info is here to give you the information you need. Discover the questions that are most frequently asked in terms of WordPress hosting, CDN for WordPress and ecological web hosting.


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F.A.Q. Hosting / CDN

[su_spoiler title=”What is the minimum server configuration for WordPress?”]Basic, WordPress requires a minimum configuration in terms of web hosting:

  • PHP 5.6.x or higher (PHP7 is much better;))
  • mySQL 5.6 or higher
  • Apache mod_rewrite module loaded by default
  • The support of HTTPS

Learn moreWhat is the minimum configuration for hosting a WordPress site?

[su_spoiler title=”What is web hosting?”]In order to make its website accessible to the world, it must be hosted on a server called web server . Your site is usually composed of files and a database. The web server will provide you with storage space for both.
Learn more aboutWhat is web hosting?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is a hosting for WordPress?”]From a technical point of view, WordPress is a site like so many others. No special specificity is requested from the web host. A web hosting for WordPress is in itself a web hosting like any other.
Learn more aboutWhat is WordPress hosting?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Why choose a special WordPress hosting?”]WordPress knows how to be content with little. A robust server, a basic configuration, and everything is fine. But if your site works like this, it does not mean that WordPress makes the most of your hosting. In other words, it could go faster, and be more secure. A specialized web hosting under WordPress, it is a web host like any other, but with all the difference that its service has been personalized to offer the best to WordPress, and to no other.
Learn more about What is WordPress hosting? [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is integrated WordPress hosting?”]Get the most out of WordPress. Provide even greater security. This is the promise of integrated hosting for WordPress. Here, no more bothering to install WordPress or even configure it. It will be your host who will put everything at your disposal. Thus, no need to worry about updates to his site or to manage his overall performance.
What is integrated WordPress hosting? [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is uptime for a WordPress web server and why is it important?”]The uptime literally means running time. In the world hosting, this refers to the time during which the service has not experienced any failure. The uptime is essential, otherwise your site is simply inaccessible.
Learn more about What is the uptime for a web server?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is a CDN?”]A Content Delivery Network or Content Dissemination Network is an invisible part of the internet in charge of delivering static elements from nearby datacenters Internet users who wish to consult your website.
Learn more about CDN WordPress, what is it?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”I do not see my changes on my WordPress site?”]A CDN will copy all the static files into a cache system of its own. If you are trying to change this type of file, go to the administration interface of your CDN and empty the CDN’s cache. Refresh your page, and it should be good.
En savoir plus sur My changes are not visible on my site, why?[/su_spoiler]

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F.A.Q. WordPress

[su_spoiler title=”How to install WordPress?”]In a synthetic way, the installation of WordPress is:

  • Download the WordPress archive on wordpress.org
  • Unpack the archive
  • Connect in FTP and send the content of the archive on its web hosting
  • Create your MySQL or MariaDB database and retrieve login information
  • Login to the URL of his website
  • The creation interface of the WordPress session appears: give his SQL information and create his administrator account on his WordPress site

Learn more about How to put online his WordPress site? [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How to transfer a WordPress site?”]Do you change WordPress hosting? Remember that your website is in both the AND file and the database. To recover your old files, connect to your old FTP hosting. For the database, make a dump in text format thanks to PHPMyAdmin. Now do the same operations, but in the other direction on your new WordPress hosting. Send your files in FTP, and import the dump SQL with PHPMyAdmin. Change the DNS value to point to your new hosting.
Learn more about How to transfer your WordPress site.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How to update a WordPress site?”]Classically, the update of WordPress and its modules happens in the Update of WordPress part in the administration interface. Select the updates you want to make, like the heart of WordPress, its themes or plugins, and start the update. This may take a few minutes. If you have a WordPress multisite version, update the entire network and more.

If you have an integrated WordPress hosting, the update will be done through the administration interface of your hosting. But in fact, you do not even have to worry about it anymore. The host does it for you.
Learn more about How to update your WordPress site?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How to save a WordPress site?”]WordPress is on one side your files and on the other your database. Connect to FTP to recover your files and through PHPMyAdmin to dump your WordPess database. And here you go, make a full backup of your WordPress site without any plugin.
Learn more about How to backup your WordPress site?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How to improve the speed of a WordPress site?”]Improving the speed of your WordPress site is a subject that can quickly become complex in itself. Have you thought about testing a specialized WordPress hosting? This is a simple and effective way to speed up your WordPress site. In addition, you will benefit from an offer – satisfied or reimbursed – at most of the hosts offered on this website.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How to improve the security of a WordPress site?”]As with improving the loading speeds of your WordPress site, securing your site can quickly become an expert topic. Why not try a specially secure hosting for WordPress? In addition, you will be able to test most of the WordPress hosts that we present on hosting-wp.info free of charge.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Why does a maintenance message appear on my WordPress site?”]WordPress places a .maintenance file at the root of your hosting during its updates. Deleting this file will remove this maintenance message.
Learn more about Delete the WordPress Maintenance Message.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How to increase WP Memory limit ?”]It is possible that the following manipulation does not increase the memory used by WordPress because it depends a lot on your WordPress hosting. In the file wp-config.php, search or add the following directive: define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’,’96MO’); and replace 96 with 128 or 512 for example.
Learn more about to increase the memory use by WordPress?[/su_spoiler]

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F.A.Q. Zero Carbon Web

[su_spoiler title=”Does a website pollute?”]Yes, and that in many ways. Whether by the mere fact of hosting or consulting. A website is both data that is consulted, but also and especially a material equipment that is responsible for both passing the information but also to process it.
En savoir plus Eco WordPress Hosting.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Does surfing on the internet produce carbon?”]Yes, whether directly or indirectly. To surf the internet, you must have computer equipment that, when it was designed, required resources. To use this device, it needs energy. And that is just as valid[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is a green WordPress hosting?”]A WordPress hosting green is a hoster that has doubled specialized. It offers both a hosting platform fully thought for WordPress, but also to minimize the environmental impact of your WordPress site. How to minimize the environmental impact? read the part find out more;)
Learn more about Eco WordPress Hosting.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is a green WordPress site?”]Developing a WordPress site in order to minimize the environmental impact is quite possible. This is complementary to a green accommodation. We are talking about eco-design. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Do I offset carbon emissions even with green accommodation?”]Yes, in the best of all worlds. If you are really committed to the end in the fight against carbon emissions on the internet, then dialing emissions is mandatory even if you have accommodation that already offsets its carbon emissions. Why ? Because to consult your website, the data will have to pass through the internet network equipment, which consumes energy and emits carbon.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Is the carbon emission of a small site really important?”]A simple website is in itself an energetic chasm. Think for a moment about the number of IT equipment needed both to run your site, but also to keep the data, run all services on the server, but also the possible firewalls, routers and countless brewing bays. And here we are talking about hosting, not consultation of the site itself. So yes, even for a small site, it makes a big difference in the end.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How to have a WordPress site low in carbon emissions?”]Optimizing the loading speed of your site is often a good direction when you do not know where to start to reduce the carbon emissions of your WordPress site. Why ? For the smaller an image, for example, and the less its consultation and storage will be a source of carbon emissions. Switching to a green WordPress hosting environment is the simplest and most effective solution for anyone concerned with the carbon emissions of their WordPress site.
Learn more about WordPress Greens[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Green Hosting and SEO?”]Why having a green site would be a concern for his SEO? I ask you the question ! Too often we think it could have an impact. Why ? Because in far too many cases, a green hosting is reduced to hosting running on components with little power. If that may be the case, run away, it’s not a true eco-friendly accommodation.
Learn more about What is a green WordPress hosting?[/su_spoiler]
Still more questions about WordPress? Then discover even more answers in our WordPress hosting FAQ.
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The CDN it takes for your WordPress

Owning a specially designed hosting for WordPress is obvious when looking for serenity and quality of service. In order to take another step in the speed of loading your WordPress site, using a CDN can be extremely useful and powerful. We have selected three CDN providers for WordPress that offer the speed of their networks, but also the security or automatic optimization of the weight of your images. A CDN is an indispensable companion to any successful WordPress hosting.


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The popular WordPress CDN

In terms of notoriety in the world of CDN for WordPress, if there is one actor who pulls out of the game it is MaxCDN. For years, it targets WordPress users by offering both a plugin that interfaces with its CDN system for easy access to its services. Very attractive services both in terms of price and performance.

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[su_button url=”https://wp-theme-plugin.com/out-max-cdn-wordpress” background=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ size=”7″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: rocket” icon_color=”#000000″]Discover Max CDN[/su_button]



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The CDN that secures

A CDN allows you both to offer a reduced distance between the user and your website but also to secure access. Imperva has made a specialization in the CDN sector offering to secure the whole with a high-performance WAF and anti-DDoS competition. What to offer both performance and security to your WordPress site.

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[su_button url=”https://wp-theme-plugin.com/out-incapsula-cdn-wordpress” background=”#ffffff” color=”#2F1A45″ size=”7″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: rocket” icon_color=”#2F1A45″ target=”blank”]Discover Imperva[/su_button]



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Le CDN WordPress par excellence

JetPack is a plugin offered by Automattic, the company that sponsors the most WordPress. JetPack offers a very large number of features. As part of these features, we will find photon, which is the CDN part of JetPack. But photon does not behave like all CDNs, it will also help you to automatically maximize the weight of your images.

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[su_button url=”https://wp-theme-plugin.com/out-jetpack ” background=”#ffffff” color=”#8CC258″ size=”7″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: rocket” icon_color=”#8CC258″ target=”blank”]Discover JetPack / Photon[/su_button]


More CDN for WordPress? We have what you need ! So click on our list of WordPress CDNs.
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WordPress hosting, what is it?

Hosting a website is implicitly the same idea as wishing to put on line his website, whether it is done with WordPress or not. This often in order to make it accessible to the whole world. A web hosting is a server on which we will deposit our data (in the form of files or databases). This server is always connected to the internet for permanent accessibility of your website.

WordPress is developed from technologies that make the search for a web hosting very simple. It is enough that your host supports both PHP and MySQL. the least we can say is that this type of accommodation runs the streets.

If WordPress can be satisfied with little, it is also flourishing on environments both cut for performance and security. Your WordPress site deserves to run as fast as possible to make it much more enjoyable for everyone, starting with you, its administrator. The performance component is provided by a fully thought-out, WordPress-oriented server configuration. But this is not the only part of a specialized WordPress hosting. For example, you will find integrated environments that will allow you to access a WordPress already installed and configured for you. Note also that hosting of this type automatically ensures backups and updates of WordPress, enough to save valuable time in the maintenance of its various WordPress sites or just no longer worry about it.

Need more information about WordPress hostings. Read without further delay our article on WordPress integrated hosting.

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Other WordPress Resources


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Looking for a plugin or WordPress theme? WP-Theme-Plugin.com has everything you need to design all types of sites.
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WooCommerce has its own environment that is rich, see very rich. Woo-Themes-Plugins.com helps you to find your way easily.
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There is not only WordPress in life. Knowing what other CMS do and propose in themes and plugins can track changes.
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You want to set up a WordPress site in multilingual version? Nothing more simple simply go to WP-Multilingual.com.
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