FAQ Hosting and CDN WordPress

FAQ WordPress Hosting

Find all the most common questions when you think of WordPress from a hosting point of view. Attention, you must always keep in mind that some things will be possible or not only depending on the accommodation you have subscribed to the base. And yes, it’s important to choose a web hosting specially designed for WordPress 😉



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[su_spoiler title=”What is web hosting?”]A web hosting is a word suitcase that means a server always connected to the Internet and whose task is to serve the web pages that are requested. These pages can be static or dynamic and thus connected to a database.
Learn more about What is web hosting?[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”WordPress: Which server configuration?”]WordPress owes its success to many things, the support of its basic technology by almost all the hosts is undeniable. Indeed, it is sufficient that your host supports the following specifications. Attention, this is a strict minimum, not a must have.

  • PHP 5.6.x or more
  • mySQL 5.6 or more
  • Apache mod_rewrite module loaded by default
  • The support of HTTPS

Learn more What is the minimum configuration for hosting a WordPress site?


[su_spoiler title=”What isuptime ?”]If there is one key piece of information when it comes to web hosting, it’s the uptime. The translation of uptime is running time. In other words, for a web hosting, it indicates the time during which you are assured the availability of your website. If the uptime is bad, you can make any changes you want, your site will simply not be accessible.
Learn more about What is the uptime for a web server?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Why choose a special WordPress hosting?”]If WordPress can run with few hardware resources, it will still feel much better on an environment that has been optimized specifically for it. This is the promise of hosting dedicated to WordPress. In addition to performance, it is often a guarantee of security for your WordPress site.
Learn more about What is WordPress hosting? [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is an ecological or green WordPress hosting?”]A website consumes energy. In order to minimize the carbon footprint of your website on global warming, hosting service providers offer low carbon solutions. To know more :


[su_spoiler title=”How to upload a WordPress site?”]WordPress is known for its installation in less than 5 minutes. Installing WordPress is a breeze as soon as you have the right web hosting. To install WordPress, here is a summary of the steps to follow:

  • Download the WordPress archive on wordpress.org
  • DĂ©compresser l’archive
  • Connect in FTP and send the content of the archive on its web hosting
  • Create your MySQL or MariaDB database and retrieve login information
  • Login to the URL of his website
  • The creation interface of the WordPress session appears: give his SQL information and create his administrator account on his WordPress site

Learn more about How to put online his WordPress site? [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Comment transfĂ©rer un site WordPress ?”]The time has come for your WordPress site to be hosted elsewhere? It will therefore be necessary to transfer your WordPress site. This is simple, as always with WordPress. Your site breaks down between the files accessible by FTP, and the data put in database accessible by PHPMyAdmin. Recovering files is simple; we connect in FTP and we recover everything. We then return the set on its new hosting. For the database, you have to do a dump . This consists of retranscribing the contents of the database into a text file. Go to the export tab of PHPMyAdmin. Once finished, go to the PHPMyAdmin of the new hosting is sent the dump, but this time thanks to the tab restore. You may also need to change your DNS to point to your new hosting.
Learn more about How to transfer your WordPress site.[/su_spoiler]

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[su_spoiler title=”Comment mettre Ă  jour un site WordPress ?”]Updating your WordPress site will depend a lot on the type of hosting you have. Normally, updating WordPress goes through its admin interface. Direction updates from WordPress. Just select what you want to update and say that you want to start the update. The process can take a little time sometimes. The thing is that you have to do this every time you update. Except with …

An integrated WordPress hosting will automatically update for you. Finish the process of updating WordPress for you.
Learn more about How to update your WordPress site?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Saving your WordPress site, how?”]To save your entire WordPress site, keep in mind that your site is both files and a database. To recover the files, log in as FTP. Backup of the database goes through a Dump. Log in to your PHPMyAdmin and save the database in a text dump. And here you have a full backup of your WordPress site.
Learn more about How to backup your WordPress site?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is wp-config.php ?”]wp-config.php is the WordPress configuration file that contains, for example, accesses to your database.Learn more about WP-Config.php, What is that ?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Where is the file wp-config.php ?”]The wp-config.php file is accessible at the root of web hosting running your WordPress site.
Learn more about Where is the file wp-config.php[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How to increase WP Memory Limit?”]In the file wp-config.php, locate the value define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’ , ’96M’ ); and replace 96 with a higher number.
Learn more about to increase the memory use by WordPress?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Delete the maintenance message on my WordPress site?”]The update of your WordPress site is complete but the update message still appears? Deleting the .maintenance file at the root of your WordPress hosting will solve the problem.
Learn more about Delete the WordPress Maintenance Message.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”J’ai une page blanche sur mon site WordPress. Que faire ?”]The problem of white page in WordPress indicates that something does not work anymore on your site, generally a plugin. The simplest action to determine it, rename the plugins directory of your WordPress site. Reload your site, it should load, but with fewer features. If this is the case, rename the directory again and do the same, but on the directory name of each plugin. You will eventually find the manager.
Learn more about I have a blank page under WordPress: What to do?[/su_spoiler]

https://fr.godaddy.com/hebergement-web/hebergement-wordpress (tout en bas)[/su_column][/su_row]


[su_spoiler title=”Un CDN, c’est quoi ?”]A Content Delivery Network or Content Delivery Network is an invisible part of the internet that delivers static elements from data centers close to internet users who wish to consult your website.
Learn more about CDN WordPress, what is it?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Pourquoi mes modifications n’apparaissent pas sur mon site WordPress ?”]You may be trying to edit a file in your CDN cache. Go to the administration page of your CDN and purge your cache. Et voila !
Learn more about My changes are not visible on my site, why?[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is the uptime for a WordPress hosting?”]A website consumes energy. In order to minimize the carbon footprint of your website on global warming, hosting service providers offer low carbon solutions. To know more :


Go further ?

Any questions you may have about WordPress hosting has its own page, to go further in the explanations. Find here all our help pages listed:

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Les hébergements WordPress

Notre comparatif des hĂ©bergements spĂ©cialement pensĂ©s pour WordPress vous permettra d’y voir plus clair et de sĂ©lectionner l’hĂ©bergement WordPress qui vous convient le mieux.

[su_button url=”https://hosting-wp.info/wordpress-hosting-comparison/” background=”#FF2F3B” size=”7″ center=”yes” ]HĂ©bergements WordPress[/su_button]

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Les hébergements WooCommerce

Votre site WooCommerce est plus qu’un site WordPress, c’est un site de eCommerce. À ce titre, lui offrir un hĂ©bergement qualitatif et sĂ©curisĂ© est indispensable.

[su_button url=”https://hosting-wp.info/wordpress-hosting-comparison/” background=”#9B5C8F” size=”7″ center=”yes”]HĂ©bergements WooCommerce[/su_button]

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Quel CDN pour WordPress ?

Vous recherchez le CDN parfait pour faire de votre site WordPress une vĂ©ritable fusĂ©e Ă  la fois rapide et sĂ©curisĂ©e ? Nous avons le comparatif qu’il vous faut.

[su_button url=”https://hosting-wp.info/wordpress-hosting-comparison/” background=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ size=”7″ center=”yes”]CDN pour WordPress[/su_button]

